Who am I?

I’m a recent graduate from Dartmouth College, where I majored in studio art (with a concentration in architecture) and minored in digital design.

I’m a visual storyteller driven by a desire to improve the way we interact with the world around us. I prioritize delight, simplicity and impact.

📍 Currently based in NYC






PrizeRing is a real-time social media platform with real rewards. Herein, I re-envision social media as an engaging platform that facilitates authentic interactions.

UX/UI design, user research, design mentor




CoRisk is a COVID-19 app that encourages safe pandemic behavior in college students.

UX/UI design, UX research, design mentor




Inboard is a storytelling platform for young professionals. Inboard takes your projects, tasks and milestones during an internship or employment experience and turns them into a concise package to showcase your impact.

UX/UI design, UX research, branding


Say hello!

I’m currently searching for a role as a product designer in NYC. I’m happy to talk about my work in connection to any opportunities or otherwise. Looking forward to hearing from you!